Tobias @OIL - 深圳

Tobias @OIL - 深圳


场所:深圳 OIL

地址:深圳市福田区车公庙泰然大厦01层L1-11A (下沙站D出口 )

参演艺人: Tobias 、Tomasz Guiddo 、Sam Lai 、








6/16 Saturday




柏林重量级制作人Tobias.在过去的38年里,凭借着实力征服了欧洲电子音乐场景。身为Ostgut Ton旗下重量级大将以及Berghain资深驻场,Tobias.的影响力是毋庸置疑的。6月16日,SayYes x Silicon Kure联合呈现:柏林电子音乐中坚力量Tobias. (Live)。

- About Silicon Kure -

Silicon Kure 作为深圳新生代具有前瞻思想的音乐厂牌,是一个化虚为实,稳定而多变的存在。


[ Berlin ]

Ostgut Ton / Non Standard Productions

宇宙第一夜店柏林传奇俱乐部Berghain资深驻场/Ostgut Ton旗下重量级大将制作人Tobias. a.k.a Tobias Freund取得今时今日的地位不是运气,其作品的原创性和独特性无可复制。身兼专业制作人、录音师、厂牌主理人、现场表演艺术家的Tobias., 可以说是德国电子音乐文化的标杆。

从1980年开始,Tobias.在德国传奇制作人Frank Farian的高级工作室担任专业录音师多年。在这期间他比别人接触到更多复杂和罕见的音乐器材,也让他对混音台上的种种了解至深。

从八十年代起,他就与众多同样优秀的音乐人开展各项合作,并以组合形式巡演。如:Von Ese / Hypnobeat,Sieg Über Die Sonnegraced (Tobias. & Dandy Jack),与Max Loderbauer 合作项目nsi,还有非常值得一提的Odd Machine, 与资深老将Ricardo Villalobos强强联手, 以及Uwe Schmidt aka Atom™(同样也是一位以LIVE表演形式著称的制作人)。制作和混音方面的合作对象包括 Efdemin, Cassy, Ellen Allien, Los Updates, Delano Smith, 厂牌Sähkö, Playhouse, Ongaku, Cadenza, Perlon, Logistic, Wagon Repair, Mule Musiq, 还有Ostgut Ton。这些当然都仅仅是冰山一角。


90年代初,他逐渐将重心转移至地下跳舞音乐,他的多个化名都成为了德国电子音乐的代表性标签,以最高产的“Pink Elln”为首,以及“Metazone”, “Zoon”, “Phobia”。几年后,Tobias.感到自己的作品已具备一定影响力,他开始用自己的名字Tobias.作为艺名发行作品。音乐风格也更多的偏向于氛围、酸性、科技舞曲。通过在多种音乐风格之间呈现出最大律动感的自由切换,并尽可能抛出更多淋漓精致的细节来放大音乐能量对舞池的冲击感。

多年的录音工作经验以及对各种电子器材的熟悉掌握的各种积累,Tobias.发表了数张作品,其中包括 2007年的《Below Houston》、2008年的《Beat Study One》和2009年的《Clapper》。2011年为Tobias.的生涯高峰,他在著名的Ostgut Ton厂牌发表了个人专辑《Leaning Over Backwards》,展現出他丰富多样的曲风和音色,譬如经典之作《Party Town》,还有以人声重复贯穿始终的《Skippy》。

2006年,他成立了自己的厂牌Non Standard Productions。厂牌理念就如名称本身的意思一样:发行和支持他和其他音乐人制作的"非标准"作品。


这么多年过去, 少年已变成大叔, 但Tobias.从未停止过创作和发行, 依旧活跃在第一线, 不断呈现一波又一波惊喜。近几年, 除了前面提到在大本营Ostgut Ton发表EP 《Helium Sessions》和全长新专《Eyes In The Center》。

今年, 2018年初, Efdemin在Curle Recordings的合辑项目中也出现了Tobias.的作品《Keep Me Insane》。2月, 在The Bunker New York 为庆祝15周年发行的合辑《15 Years Of The Bunker》中,Tobias.也贡献了作品 《 Impossbile》。毕竟他曾作为Bunker派对最受欢迎的嘉宾之一多次受邀演出, 15周年纪念发行自然不能少了他的参与。

2016年, Tobias和妻子— 视觉艺术家Valentina Berthelon合作LIVE双人组Recent Arts: 分别负责视觉和音乐, 并受邀在Berlin Atonal音乐节主舞台演出。2018年6月初又刚在Berghain的Säule举办了专场活动, 呈现了他们的最新项目。


Tobias Freund了解音乐从由里到外的一切,因此他能够使自己不断进步。Tobias.的live演出结合了他的创作,但也经常将其中的元素拆解后重新拼贴, 让人既能感受到熟悉的旋律, 聆听过程中又激发出新鲜感。他通过复杂而扣人心弦的编排让人们为之倾听为之跳舞。Tobias Freund可能不是循规蹈矩的艺术家,但他却让很多人循“他”蹈矩。

How does one achieve to become a mainstay in a scene as temporary as electronic music?


In the case of Tobias Freund, all the answers are there, yet they will most probably not apply to anybody but him.

Sure, it might help to gather encyclopedic knowledge through the years about music ranging from Post Punk to Stockhausen and all points in between (and much beyond), but if you are not able to shape that into a personal artistic vision, it is very likely that your potential audience might prefer the artists your very knowledge consists of. In the works of Tobias Freund, inspirations are more to be suspected than to be pinned down. You feel they must be there. They just have to, if only for lack of better explanations. Still, his works are so original and individual that they have become a part of said knowledge themselves. Nobody else sounds like him, they just try to. He owns his sound.

Certainly, it might help if you know what you are doing in terms of creating music. Tobias Freund’s process of learning what you are doing stretches back to 1980. Since then, he worked as engineer in the high-end studio of German producer legend Frank Farian for many years, getting to know everything on the mixing desk you could tweak. And he gathered more analogue hardware than others have plugins installed, and got to know it as well. And when he felt he was ready to become an artist himself, he knew exactly what to do with the ideas he had in mind, and thus his music made an impact right from the very start. Transferring his overground work into underground output, his aliases since the early nineties read like an inventory of German electronic music: Metazone, Zoon, Phobia, and especially Pink Elln. Then he put the full stop behind his first name and started releasing tracks that refined the live approach to his broad variety of music between Acid, Ambient and Techno to reduced but jacking grooves that displayed as much attention to detail as to floor impact and became an integral part of the defining sounds emanating from Germany to rule the clubs worldwide since the turn of the millennium.

And it might help as well to extend your abilities to the work with other artists. Tobias Freund already started this as part of the electronic cassette circuit in the 80’s in groups like Von Ese or Hypnobeat, but a decade later his much loved group Sieg Über Die Sonne (with Martin Schopf aka Dandy Jack) graced the clubs with twisted and multi-faceted Techno Pop, and when it went on hiatus two decades later the project nsi. (with Max Loderbauer) and the Non Standard Productions imprint were initiated, to quickly become an institution for groundbreaking explorations in freeform electronic experimentalism. And there is Odd Machine, a joint venture with Ricardo Villalobos and Uwe Schmidt (aka Atom™) in particular, with whom he also forms a live and recording act that puts the weight of their experience into according action.


He produced and remixed international stalwarts like Efdemin, Cassy, Ellen Allien, Los Updates, Delano Smith, Margaret Dygas or Aérea Negrot, on seminal labels like Sähkö, Playhouse, Ongaku, Cadenza, Perlon, Logistic, Wagon Repair, Mule Musiq, and, of course, Ostgut Ton. And this is just an excerpt.

With Tobias Freund a lot of things fall into place. He knows sound from the inside out, thus he is able to develop his own as well as lend his expertise to others. And even if the studio might be his favourite instrument, he knows so much about any hardware to produce electronic music that he can push the music forward any way he wants to. There is no need to divide his works into avant-garde or club contexts, because he effortlessly merges his whole spectrum into a performance that is all him, transforming the complex textures and gripping rhythms that make his music so fascinating into experiences where listening and dancing are one, and a whole life of music leads to ever new innovations. As it happens. On the spot.

Tobias Freund may be non-standard, but he sure set many.



来自波兰的Guiddo 在音乐方面有着很深的造诣,其独特的品味归功于他生长于一个艺术氛围浓厚的环境,从小接受音乐的熏陶。凭借多年来对音乐的执着追求,Guiddo 走出了一条属于自己的音乐道路。

才华横溢的他拥有DJ,作曲家,合成器乐家,音效师以及Radio Jazz FM记者等多重身份,诸多佳作通过Compost, Ostgut Ton, Beats In Space与Sonar Kollektiv等世界最具影响力的独立音乐厂牌发行,其音乐风格涉及House, Techno, Disco, Balearic Beat 和Nu-Jazz 等。

不仅如此,他还是VINYL HOUSE黑胶房子的创办人之一,ChoP 音乐节的发起人之一。致力于音乐文化推广的他,经常参与当代的艺术项目,多次受邀前往国内外知名俱乐部演出,并与多位国际知名音乐人保持着密切的合作关系。他的存在为深圳的音乐文化带来创新与发展,打破了区域文化的界限。

Born in Warsaw, lived in Berlin, currently based in Shenzhen. During his over 17 years DJ career he has performed at the most prestigious venues and festivals all over the world: MoMA PS1 New York, Berghain Berlin, Tresor Berlin, Love Parade, Nature One, T-Mobile Electronic Beats, Polish National Gallery of Art, Oestre House for Sound Art Bergen, Berns Stockholm, Cassero Bologna, Woobar Bali, Kyo KL, Elysium KL, Arkham Shanghai, Potato Head Hong Kong and hundreds more. Member of WLO Laptop Orchestra. Producer of Manhooker (Ostgut Ton, Sonar Kollektiv, Mule Musiq). Co-founder of VINYLHOUSE recordstore & bar in Shenzhen. Journalist at RadioJAZZ.FM (since 2005). Curator of Warsaw Electronic Festival and ChoP Festival.

Recent collaborations include names like Jamie Lidell, Louie Austen, Ursula Rucker(The Roots), Steven Hall (Arthur Russell), Isis Salam, Georges Perin, Arnold Kasar (Deutsche Grammophon Gesselschaft). His music has been remixed by the world's best producers: Tom Findlay (Groove Armada), Justus Köhncke (Whirlpool Productions), The Juan MacLean (DFA), Daniele Baldelli (Godfather of Cosmic Disco), Michael Reinboth (founder of Compost Records), Massimiliamo Pagliara (LARJ), Uku Kuut (PPU),..Tomasz Guiddo is considered a key personality in Shenzhen for developing the club scene in South of China as both trendsetting DJ and promoter. According to Mixmag he is "the man putting Shenzhen on the map (...) Tomasz Guiddo has been a major force in the storm brewing over there." 


受电子音乐影响多年的Sam Lai于6年前正式开始他的音乐生涯。因其出色的舞池情绪掌控力,相继受邀到深圳各大锐舞派对演出,并成为他们的常驻DJ。在多次成功举办各类型户外/仓库锐舞派对(隧道、公园、沙滩)后,Sam Lai保持谦虚的态度,不断磨练混音技术,他独特的个人风格日益明朗,在南中国的地下音乐圈开始崭露头角,备受好评。


过去两年间,除了曾受邀到深圳草莓音乐节、One Love电子音乐节、香蜜湖音乐节演出,Sam Lai也与众多著名DJ/制作人同台献技,如:英国Acid House先锋MR.C,台湾知名电子音乐人Elvis T,德国Kompakt旗下艺人Hiroshi Watanabe a.k.a Kaito,柏林Techno先驱Mijk van dijk,法国浪漫黑胶骑士Jack De Marseille,德国Berghain驻场Ambivalent,著名厂牌Perlon旗下DJ Bihn,Prime Numbers厂牌主理人Trus’me ,等同台演出。




以音乐为精神食粮的Sam Lai对选曲的态度就像厨师对食材一般讲究,深邃的情绪与律动的旋律糅合强有力的4/4拍,满足每一个挑剔的舞客的味蕾。在Tech House, Melodic House, Techno之间自由转换,个人风格凸显其独特的Progressive架构。他以深入浅出的布置为派对带来比音乐本身更丰富的东西,仿佛是一场听觉享受的完整的旅程。

Sam Lai, who’s been deeply influence by electronics dance music, started his electronics dance music journey 6 years ago. He had the experience of holding all kinds of outdoor rave parties (tunnel, park, beach, etc.) in Shenzhen since 2011. He continued to hone his mixing skills and build up his unique structure. He earned a good reputation in the underground music scene of south China.


He performed in Strawberry Music Festival, One Love Electronic Music Festival, Honey Lake Music Festival. He has invited to play with British Acid House Pioneer MR.C, Outstanding Electronic Dance Music Producer Elvis T, Hiroshi Watanabe a.k.a Kaito from Kompakt Germany, Berlin techno legend Mijk van dijk,  France Vinyl Expert Jack De Marseille, Ambivalent from Germany, DJ Bihn from Perlon, Trus’me from Prime Numbers  and many more. He has play at many famous venue in south China such as Oil Club, Pepper Club, Sector Club, Hangover, Public, Magma, DeSOUND, Peacock S.K.A, Demo Club and many more.


Sam Lai wants his audience to enjoy more than just music, he is the master at building atmosphere for party people.


Say Yes x Silicon Kure Pres.


 时间: 6月16日 星期六 

 Date:June 16 Saturday 

 22:00 ~ Late

- Line Up -

Tobias. (live)
Tomasz Guiddo

Sam Lai


现场 DOOR 80 RMB



