Black Tiger Sex Machine @Club Muse - 武汉

Black Tiger Sex Machine @Club Muse - 武汉


场所:武汉 Club Muse


参演艺人: Black Tiger Sex Machine 、










@Black Tiger Sex Machine


2011年开始以标志性的老虎头盔形象展现在世人面前的加拿大三人组合Black Tiger Sex Machine(黑虎性机械)自发行第一张专辑以来就给人们留下了极其深刻的印象。无论你是否听过他们的音乐,看过他们的现场,背得出他们稍长的名字,你都应该对他们的头盔不陌生。

Beginning in 2011 with the iconic Tiger helmet image displayed in front of the world's Canadian trio, Black Tiger Sex Machine since the issuance of the first album will give people left a very deep impression. Whether you have heard their music, have seen their live,remember them longer name

, you should helmet is not strange to them.

Black Tiger Sex Machine:成员Julien Maranda/Patrick Barry /Marc Chagnon三位电子音乐制作人。 因其沉重的电子和贝斯声音而闻名,他们现场表演时会将音轨,LOOP,鼓,采样和合成器组合成激烈的声音和节拍,同时佩戴着他们标志性的老虎头盔。

Members of the Black Tiger Sex Machine: Julien Maranda/Patrick Barry/Marc Chagnon three electronic music producer. Because of its heavy electrons and is famous for its bass voice, they live performances will be track, LOOP, drum, sampling and synthesizer, intense sound and rhythm, and the tiger helmet wearing their signature.

Black tiger sex machine(黑虎性机械)连续两年被Headbangers无人不知的Excision受邀至Lost Lands电音节上表演;2017年在EDC上广受好评的组合,吸睛十足。光是这名字看一眼就让人过目难忘而且酷到不行了。粉丝们把这名字缩写成BTSM。

Black tiger sex machine For two consecutive years was Headbangers known Excision invited to Lost Lands electric music festival ; In 2017 on the EDC acclaimed combination, suction eye is dye-in-the-wood. The name alone was a memorable and cool to look at. The initials into BTSM fans.

BTSM喜欢用各种各样的元素融合成为他们独一无二的现场,他们采取DJ Set与Live Set结合的方式演出,并且演出时无时无刻戴着“老虎头盔。知识点:[DJ Set 主要目的还是播放电子舞曲,让RAVER们能够跳动起来,DJ的选歌品位、整场音乐流向的把控、混音的技巧、玩家情绪的把控这些都是DJ所需要掌握的,在与大家分享歌曲的同时又要顾虑到玩家们的情绪,这属于双向性的互动传播。Live Set 主要是艺人在表演时利用键盘、打击器、电子鼓等等不同的乐器,在播放音乐同时,自己通过现场乐器的演奏,对原音乐的二次加工,展现出音乐现场灵动感;或者直接用这些乐器进行声音采样,现场将采样进行结合混音,制作出一首首的歌曲。]

BTSM like to use all kinds of element fusion as their unique site, they take the DJ Set and the Live Set combination of performance, and performance, always wearing a "tiger helmet. Knowledge: [DJ Set main purpose or play electronic dance music, let the audience can beat wave rise, grade, the entire music DJ song of the flow of the control, mixing techniques, the guest mood you to handle all of these are the DJ, at the same time of songs to share with you and want to concern to the audience's emotions, which belongs to the two-way interactive communication. Live Set mainly artists use the keyboard to perform, blow machine, electronic drum, and so on different instruments, playing music at the same time, oneself through the Musical Instruments playing, a secondary processing of the original music, showing music scene dynamic spirit; or directly using these instruments sound samples, the scene to combine sampling and mixing, make a song after another.]

Black Tiger Sex Machine的音乐风格非常广泛,包含Dubstep、Brostep、Riddim Dubstep、Trapstep、Electro House、Drum&Bass、Trap。在2012年发布了一系列激动人心的电子音乐专辑,并附有现场演出和视频剪辑,展示其创新和充满活力的表演。

Black Tiger Sex Machine has a very wide range of music styles, including its, Brostep, Riddim mismatch between, Trapstep, company House, Drum&Bass, the Trap. In 2012 issued a series of exciting electronic music album, with live performances and video clips, and reveal its innovation and dynamic performance.

最新创作专辑《New World》则是继首张专辑《Welcome To Our Church》之后的续篇!是从科幻题材中获取灵感创作而来,围绕 Black Tiger Sex Machine 的形象创造出了一个虚拟宇宙。在这个宇宙世界里,僵尸统治着整个星球和宇宙社会,Black Tiger Sex Machine 则是一群戴着黑虎头盔的保护社会的自由战士!如此精心设计的概念和故事情节,绝对值得你用心聆听和观看新专辑的每个细节!

Latest album "New World" is the debut album "Welcome To Our Church, after the sequel! Draw inspiration from sci-fi creation, around the Black Tiger Sex Machine image to create a virtual universe. In this world, the universe ruled the planet and the universe society zombies, Black Tiger Sex Machine is a group of wearing Black Tiger helmet to protect social freedom fighters! So careful design and the concept of the story, is definitely worth you listen to and watch every detail of the new album!



@Black Tiger Sex Machine




