Disclosure Hong Kong 2018 - 香港

Disclosure Hong Kong 2018 - 香港


参演艺人: Disclosure 、








每当音乐组合向全世界宣布要回归或重组,音乐领导者宣布暂别舞台而作特别演出的时候,身在亚洲的我们从来只能远远观望那些值得铭记的特别演出!然而这次,LNEA为亚洲 Raver 争取到了让全世界都嫉妒的机会!你没看错,在去年2月9日向全世界宣布“歇业”后, DISCLOSURE 将在这个5月带来自其宣休后的亚洲唯一一场回归专场!

Whenever a music band announcing the world their special show hinting at an imminent comeback or parting ways or the need of a break, fans in Asia can only wish to be there for those historical moments. HOWEVER, situation is about to change this time! Thanks to LNEA, this May we have a chance to welcome the return of the long-awaited Grammy Award Nominated duo Disclosure exclusively in HK! After they announced their “time out” from music scene last year February 9th, we can now expect what they will bring us at this one and only comeback exclusive Asia show!


来自英国萨里的 Lawrence 兄弟于1991年和1994年先后出生于音乐世家,父亲以前在摇滚乐团,母亲则是为英国陆军演出过的音乐家。哥哥 Guy Lawrence 从3岁起就开始敲鼓,弟弟 Howard Lawrence 从8岁开始玩 Bass,除此之外两人更是会弹吉他和钢琴,弟弟还担任乐队中的人声。

In 1991 and 1994 in Surrey, England, Lawrence brothers were born to a musicians family. Their father played in a rock band and mother entertained British Army as a session musician. Guy started to play drum since 3 years old and Howard learnt to play bass since 8. Both also learned to play the guitar and the piano and Howard to sing.


作为 Pop House 音乐带领者,Disclosure (解密兄弟)戴着他们极具辨识度的“涂鸦脸”从2012年就开始了他们在全世界的音乐征途。凭着深厚的音乐素养和对 House 音乐的独特理解,他们在19与22岁时释出的第一张专辑《Settle》便获得了2014年格莱美奖最佳舞曲专辑提名,专辑中一首《F for You》更是获得格莱美奖年度最佳舞曲录音提名,更不用提那首你单曲循环了无数次的与英国歌手 Sam Smith 合作的《Latch》毫无疑问,他们天才般的音乐制作水准和全新的音乐风格为电子音乐届带来了一股新鲜血液!

As pop house music leader, Disclosure started conquering the world music stage since 2012 with their iconic scribble face. With rich music knowledge and unique music taste, their first album "Settle" was released at their age of 19 and 22 and was nominated 2014 Grammy Awards for Best Dance/Electronica Album. The album track "F for You” was also nominated Grammy Award for Best Dance Recording, let alone the collaboration "Latch" with Sam Smith that has been played on repeat on your phone! Their genius production skills and forward thinking music is no doubt leading a new movement in the electronic music scene.

用概念模糊的 EDM 一词来概括他们的风格有失偏颇。他们的音乐以极具英伦特色的Deep House 电子合成和人声为主要方向,兼具英国典型包括 2-Step, UK-garage 和 Jackin’ House在内的音乐风格,充满着属于英伦范儿的地下且神秘的气息。不像典型的音乐节上伴随烟花和火焰而来的血脉喷张的 Drop,他们的 Groove 可以让你陷入无限幻想而舞动身体,感受一种无法言喻的性感而深邃的 Flow。

Using the vague term EDM to describe their music is clearly inappropriate. Their music is a mix of UK genres like 2-Step, UK-garage and Jackin’ House swings using typical UK deep-house synths and vocals, channeling a sense of mystery and underground vibe. Unlike gaudy mainstream EDM production -  aka, the triumphant buildups paired with obvious drops - Disclosure’s music groove can get your body and soul loose in time and feel that sexy yet deep energy flow.

伴随第一张专辑《Settle》的成功,2015年释出的第二张专辑《Caracal》更是将 Disclosure 风潮推向极致并再次为他们获得了2016年格莱美奖最佳舞曲专辑提名!他们的歌曲作品拥有简洁而大方的结构,你可以听到其中使用的各种乐器声音而不觉冗杂。那不紧不慢的细腻旋律已然成为舞池中的男男女女之间最委婉而大胆的耳鬓厮磨哝哝情话。

Following up the success from Settle album, their second album Caracal in 2015 was again nominated 2014 Grammy Awards for Best Dance/Electronica Album. Their “less is more” music making strategy makes their tracks sound smooth and friendly-to-the-ear. The steady paced rhythms are groovy and emotional, very good for that steamy dancing couple if you see where I’m going...

自2013年释出两张专辑皆被格莱美奖提名最佳舞曲专辑后,兄弟两人便开始了他们火爆而疯狂的世界巡演,开始在世界各大音乐节上叱诧风云,比如 Glastonbury, Coachella, Lollapalooza 等等。2016年,Disclosure 终于来到中国大陆和香港为众多中国粉丝带来了等待已久的精彩演出!

With the well received Grammy nomination works, the brothers started touring around the world and playing at massive music festivals such as Glastonbury, Coachella, Lollapalooza, etc. In 2016, the long awaited Asia show finally took place in Mainland China and Hong Kong.

"Time Out"

然而就在全世界都沉醉于他们的精彩音乐之时Disclosure 在去年向粉丝们宣布他们需要“休息”一段时间,由他们创办的 Wild Life 音乐节今年也将暂停一年!如同暴风雨来临前一般,这些连续放出的消息无疑让粉丝们内心凉凉。

When the world is enjoying their music so much, Disclosure surprised the fans last year with their “Time out” announcement, as well as the recent-announced hiatus of their curated annual Wild Life fest. Are you worried? Yes I would be!

经过漫长的等待,如今正在筹备2019年新专辑的获得过三次格莱美奖的英国兄弟终于席卷重来!在这场 DJ Set 上,他们不仅会带来大家耳熟能详的经典作品,更是会带来


After the long wait, in the time of preparing for the 2019 new album, the 3-time Grammy award nominee Disclosure will not only play those clasic tunes but also share some 

new tracks!



It's going to be THE SHOW to watch in this May!

Tickets go on sale SOON! Stay tuned with LNEA for more information!


Venue address: MacPherson Stadium, 38 Nelson Street, Hong Kong.



