Nervo @Space Plus - 上海

Nervo @Space Plus - 上海


场所:上海 Space Plus


参演艺人: Nervo 、









9.4 Wed.

Nervo @Space Plus



Female DJs and girl bands are hard to see in EDM world, an industry almost dominated by men. Quite a few female DJs often lead to fans and public opinion controversy.

而这对来自澳大利亚的女子“姐妹花”Nervo,被DJ Mag称为“Leading ladies in the EDM”(EDM届领先女子团队)。在实力受到广大业界人士认可的同时,这对孪生姐妹的颜值也统统在线,这也让她们常年在DJ Mag名列前茅。从2012年进入百大榜单起,从未跌下50名。最高升至16位,并在今年排名第27.

The Australian twins Nervo was selected by DJ Mag as the Leading ladies in the EDM. While they are recognized by the industry, the twin sisters' appearance level is outstanding, which makes them top on DJ Mag all the year round. Since entering the top 100 list in 2012, it has never dropped below 50. It rose as high as 16th and ranked 27th this year.

Nervo & Don Diablo

Nervo & Nicky Romero & Above&Beyond

才貌双全一半来自于天生,另一半则完全是后天的努力。Miriam Nervo和Olivia Nervo 16岁便被模特经纪公司看中,并被模特公司赏识。但是她们的音乐创作能力让她们脱颖而出,放弃职业模特的道路并走上了DJ/制作人的生涯。在与Armin van Buuren、Nicky Romero、Afrojack、Steve Aoki合作后,Nervo也正式向世人宣告她们女子DJ届无可撼动的地位;连小甜甜布兰妮和麦当娜都邀请她们合作单曲。

Beauty are born, but effort are made by themselves. Miriam Nervo and Olivia Nervo were spotted by a modelling agency at the age of 16 and were recognised by the agency. But their music creative ability made them stand out from the rest, and they gave up professional modeling and went on to DJ/ producer career. After collaborating with Armin van Buuren, Nicky Romero, Afrojack and Steve Aoki, Nervo officially announced their unbeatable status as female DJS. Even Britney Spears and Madonna have asked them to collaborate on a single.

在女子百大DJ榜单DJane Mag中,Nervo也多次夺魁,在2016至17年获得两届第一。2017年Nervo的单曲《Best Friend》也被苹果公司选为iPhone X的全球发布会广告曲。能被对音乐和时尚一直嗅觉敏锐挑剔的苹果公司看中,也是对Nervo音乐和时尚品味的认可。

Nervo also topped the DJane Mag ,women's top 100 DJ list, several times, winning two number-one spots in 2016-17. The 2017 Nervo song "Best Friend" was also selected for apple's global launch AD campaign for the iPhone X. Be able to be on music and fashion has always been a keen sense of fastidious apple company, but also for Nervo music and fashion taste recognition.

iPhone X广告选用Nervo单曲“Best Friend”

Nervo & Cheat Codes

在连年“征战”Tomorrowland、Cream Ibiza、Ultra等大型音乐节以及全球巡演的同时,姐妹俩的个人生活也并没有被耽误。今年1月1日,Nervo在社交媒体Po出她们已双双怀孕的消息。

In the years of "fighting" on Tomorrowland, Cream Ibiza, Ultra and other large music festivals and global tour, the two sisters' personal life has not been delayed. Nervo tweeted on social media on January 1 that they were both pregnant.


Dimitri Vegas、Ummet Ozcan、Quintino、Alok、DVBBS等一众好友留言祝福。如今她们俩的宝宝都已诞生,在做超级奶妈的同时,也已开启了新一轮巡演。她们对于音乐和生活的热爱与追求,影响了很多乐迷。多年来的不断努力,也难怪Nervo女子第一组合的地位如此稳固。

Dimitri Vegas, Ummet Ozcan, Quintino, Alok, DVBBS and other Djs sent their wish for Nervo. Now they both have babies and are off on a new tour while working as super hot moms. Their love and pursuit of music and life have influenced many music fans. After years of hard work, it is no wonder Nervo's position in the female  is so secure.

9.4 Wed

百大#27 Nervo @Space Plus

亲临现场 感受实力与魅力的结合


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