Curbi @Club Muse - 武汉

Curbi @Club Muse - 武汉


场所:武汉 Club Muse


参演艺人: Curbi 、








20岁的@Curbi玩音乐可是一把老手了,作为DJ有着多年的音乐制作经验。2015年初,刚满16岁的他就签约了Spinnin' Records和MusicAllStars经纪公司,其特有的冷系EDM风格使他成为了街谈巷议的热点。

The 20-year-old @Curbi is a veteran of music, and has many years of experience in music production as a DJ. At the beginning of 2015, when he was just 16 years old, he signed up for Spinnin' Records and MusicAllStars brokerage company. Its unique cold-system EDM style made him a hot spot for street talk.

其实一切都早有预兆,@Curbi来自英国艾塞克斯郡,从最初接触到电子音乐后便产生了极大兴趣,开始尝试在卧室里面制作音乐,荷兰制作人Oliver Heldens听过他的歌曲《Discharge》之后不久,@Curbi就签约了Spinnin' Records。

In fact, everything is a sign, @Curbi from Essex, England, has a great interest since the initial exposure to electronic music, began to try to make music in the bedroom, Dutch producer Oliver Heldens heard his song " Shortly after Discharge, @Curbi signed Spinnin' Records.


"Discharge" won the second place in the first 100 of Beatport's current issue, and its MV gained more than two million hits on Youtube. After that, the success of many singles such as "Rubber" and "Hoohah" also made @Curbi a solid position in the field of EDM.

2018年12月@Curbi发行了最新EP,这张EP总共收录了5首单曲及一首Intro,全部由@Curbi独自完成,没有像其他的制作人一样出一些Collab的曲目,可以说是非常令人佩服了,而@Curbi也继续以独特的音色和巧妙的编排延续了自己鲜明的个人风格,2月23日@Curbi将带着他的新作突袭CLUB MUSE光谷店,虽然Future House在当今的EDM大环境中并谈不上小众,但是“@Curbi味的House“一定能让你耳目一新。

In December 2018, @Curbi released the latest EP. This EP contains a total of 5 singles and one Intro, all done by @Curbi alone. There are no Collab tracks like other producers. It can be said that it is very It’s admirable, and @Curbi continues its unique personal style with its unique sound and clever arrangement. On February 23rd @Curbi will bring his new work to the CLUB MUSE Optics Valley store, although Future House is in the present day. The EDM environment is not a niche, but "@Curbi-flavored House" will definitely make you feel refreshed.



