Salvatore Ganacci!
In front of 100000 people, with his one of the kind dance moves, he re-defined the concept of EDM performance for many of us. Like most internet sensations, he receives mixed reviews from all over the world. Of course, he has crazy fans for his hard hitting music. But some other find his stage performance even more eye catching than most "ordinary" DJs. YES, LNEA is bringing you the RECORD BREAKING 19-SHOW tour with one and the only Salvatore Ganacci!

前段时间在一世界大型音乐节上,Salvatore Ganacci 这位名不见经传的DJ瞬间成为各大网站的搜索头条,千万个以他为主题制作的GIF充满各大社交网站!原因除了他超炸的音乐现场,更因为他在面对100000现场粉丝和全球同步线上直播的情况下放飞自我,不顾一切的激情现场表演!比如,踢腿,倒立,武术,学鸟叫,花样多多应接不暇!(下面为你奉上4分半小视频,必看必看必看!)
Not long ago, after performing at one of the world's biggest music festivals, Salvatore Ganacci became a household name: top search on social medias, countless GIFs of him, his name is over the internet. It wasn't just because of his fire mixing skills, but his eccentric dance moves during set surprised 100000 fans on site, let alone the number of fans who watched online. (Please watch the 4 mins and half compilation video below!)
4分半钟小视频让你了解在3日音乐节内制造电音传奇的Salvatore Ganacci!

Obviously, people hold two different opinions towards his behaviours during the set. But come on, why can’t DJs dance when fans are allowed to headbang like crazy?

虽然说他的现场表演真的很吸睛,但是他的音乐才是支持他一路走来,让他在各大国际舞台绽放风采的原因!从2012年发行作品以来,Salvatore Ganacci 一直都走在音乐制作的前端!从 Big room 到现代流行,Salvatore 能够在不同音乐风格之间切换自如,玩转粉丝们的视觉与听觉神经,从头到尾抓住你的注意力!
Start releasing music since 2012, Salvatore Ganacci have always been at the forefront of electronic music. He can switch between music styles smoothly and make fans go crazy in no time!
2016年发行的与 Enya, Alex Aris 合作的《Dive》单单在 Spotify 上就被播放超过1150万次,旋律上耳,第一次听就会让你单曲循环!2017年与 Sebastian Ingrosso合作的《Ride It》发行,同年还在 Martin Garrix 的厂牌发行了《Imagine》,今年发行的《Motorspeed 300km/h》更是燃爆你的耳膜!
In 2016, he released "Dive" with Enya and Alex Aris, which has been streamed over 11 million times! 2017 saw him release "Ride It" with legendary DJ Sebastian Ingrosso. Same year he released Imagine on Martin Garrix’s label Imagine. His newest track “Motorspeed 300km/h" is even more mind blowing!

To date, his tracks have been streamed over millions of times! His unique style and hard hitting sound have made him one to watch at major music festivals such as Tomorrowland! If you are looking for something “explosive” and unexpected amazing show, you go to see Salvatore Ganacci is the one not to miss! This summer, let Salvatore Ganacci take you for a one of the kind music show that you wouldn't have it anywhere else!